
Monday, January 30, 2012

Pictorial Monday: Cats

I woke up just around midnight on January 7th to discover that not one; but, both cats were at the foot of the bed. What surprised me is that they were sleeping together! As in touching!
The metadata lists 12:19am when this picture was snapped. I just had to take a picture just in case this was a rare event. By the way, I did not disturb Dan because he was still up playing games.

When I got around to viewing these pictures, I immediately noticed Chessie is so much bigger than Gracie. I was also pleased at how well these came out considering I was still half asleep and using a flash.

I have not taken a lot of pictures lately. I have been keeping ourselves busy with the office purge and more. I do have some pictures on the card in the camera that I haven't even looked at yet. I have been trying to snap a picture and there. But, it isn't easy when life gets in the way. But, by attempting to take pictures from time to time helps me stay on top of things in the way of photography. They may not be the best; but, hey! They are snapshots of time and memories. :-)


  1. Love the pic and love the signature pic. I raised Siamese a long time ago and just love them. D

  2. I often feel like I can't post a picture unless it's half way decent. I have been trying to be better about going ahead and posting them anyway this past year. People love seeing them, even if they aren't perfect, and like you said, you are getting practice and capturing the meaningful moments of your life. I think the picture is adorable.



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