
Thursday, April 3, 2014

March Recap

  • Savings

    Previous Balance 90.00
    Week 10 (03/03)
    Week 11 (03/10)
    Week 12 (03/17)
    Week 13 (03/24)
    Week 14 (03/31)

  • Book Finishes

    • #6: Small Change by Sheila Roberts.

      I picked up this book a while back due to the fact it sounded interesting and not your typical chick lit or romance. This book has 3.65 stars at Goodreads and 4.6 stars at Amazon. I gave it three stars (at Goodreads). With that said, I must say that it is not a bad book. In fact, it is a good quick read in which one may identify with any one of the characters who struggle with financial issues. It is just not a memorable read. In other words, It is a book that is easily forgotten within a week or so. Maybe I was unfair with the rating; but, I would not recommend this book to anyone unless they are looking for a quick mindless read.

  • Projects

    • I took one week off to do my own thing and that turned into two. This is the problem for me with taking time off. I should never take any time off or things would not get done. I pretty much did basics things such as gardening, cook, clean and just be lazy. The cats really enjoyed this time because I let them go outside frequently. The time to do this now because summer is approaching and it is going to get HOT!

    • I finally took the time to go through a pile of boxes in the kitchen. I knew it was going to be tedious; so, I had been procrastinating on that endeavor. I finally went through it all and designated the majority to rummage sale.
    • Started unpacking a box from the temporary guest/sewing room and discovered a bunch of patterns (beading/quilting/cross stitch) I ripped out of magazines and saved. So, I have another tedious project on my hands. I had vowed that when I moved, I would organize everything I unpack (except kitchen). As a result, I am taking the time to input each one into Excel and assigning each to a file folder. At times like this, I wish I had MS Access. (Remember, I used to be a professional programmer in my past life and know how to work databases.) Anyway, I am being extreme and tossing those patterns I know I will never be able to make. This is process going to take me awhile.

    • I am also taking the time to organize my signature images. I have let them pile up that it has become chaotic. Dan and I got into a discussion one night recently and he is going to work out a solution for me using a database and a web page! Woo Hoo! I should get him to do something similar for me with the patterns I am saving from magazines. One thing at a time. Ha!
  • Other

    • The flooring in my room is done! (completed on 3/15).
    • Gardening is coming along real well. Red and yellow potatoes, red and yellow onions, garlic, carrots, cucumbers, melons, one variety of peppers, a few herbs and a few spinach seeds have sprouted. I harvested a few strawberries already.

      I planted eight different kinds of herbs in pots and they are now in a spot out back where I plan to have a real herb garden some day. I also planted peas and beans in pots as there was no room in the garden beds. Ha! I really wanted to grow some peas and beans. I will have to get Dan to build another garden bed for me next year.

      The blackberry bush I planted last year is doing fabulous. I planted a blueberry and raspberry bush and some grapes this year. I am not sure if the raspberry bush will survive; but, I am willing to try. The blueberry bush is doing great. We put up a fence for the grapes. I believe it will take several years before it even needs the fence. But, I read that a fence needs to be put in place before planting grapes.

      I also planted some sunflowers seeds out behind the potato bed. According to the seed package, they can get up to six feet tall! Yikes! I do not know if they will grow; but, the area has been marked so that I will not mow over them later this summer.

      I have been enjoying going out early in the mornings (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) to water the garden and other plants when it has not rained. At the moment, I am watering each bush and the potato bed for two minutes. The bigger garden beds gets four minutes each. As the summer progresses, I will increase the watering times because it gets extremely hot hereabouts.

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