
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Strings

It has been awhile since I posted some doodles of mine. I finished the Zendala Dare #97 (scroll down a little on that link) around April 2nd. I was going to post this sooner; but, I came down sick before I got a chance to write it up. I had posted an incomplete one on February 22 here.

I would just doodle a little here and there. I have been quite busy with other stuff including finishing up the guest room. There is still a lot of things left to do in there; but, at least, it is almost ready for guests to sleep. And, I can relax a little bit now due to the fact the major work in there is completed. I am still needing to get queen size sheets. Once I obtain those, our guest room will be open for "business". :-)

By the way, the picture is horrid because I did not use a flash. It is what it is.

I used Purk and the rest is random. If there is a name for the patterns (other than Bob from Veggietales), I do not know what they are. I do know that stippling is the name of one tangle in the quilting world.

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