
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Texas Paintbrush {First Sighting}

I was roaming the backyard on February 27, 2014 when I spied the following:

Texas Paintbrush (also known as Indian Paintbrush)

Let me tell you, I was absolutely thrilled to see this paintbrush as I missed them sorely last year. We had a few scrawny ones; but, not a bunch of healthy ones. Seeing this made my soul sing.

By the way, paintbrushes are very difficult to photograph because the color does not want to run true. I was frustrated.


  1. It's gorgeous! The first thing I noticed was the brilliant color. It must really be spectacular in person. I'm so glad things seem to be looking up in the rain department (no pun intended). :-D

  2. If you think that is gorgeous, you need to come back on Monday. :-D


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