
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Feline Friday {Amongst Clover}

I know. I know. I am late with this post. Life is busy and extremely stressful for me at the moment. I may or may not get posts posted on time (if ever) over the next couple of months. But hey! At least, I am posting, correct?

Since March 17th, St. Patrick's day, is coming upon us fast, I thought the following pictures are appropriate.


Abby Gail

Both were taken on February 25, 2015. We have a huge patch of clover out back. It is kind of unusual rectangular shape and I speculate that the owners before us had a garden plot in that particular spot because it is the only bright green area on our land.


  1. We'll I appreciate your shots and effort to bring us them today as I live in Ireland. My st Patrick's Day greeting for you will be on Tuesday. Love the cat. Have a good weekend.

  2. Beautiful cats. You captured them well.

  3. Adorable! the first one looks like a coon cat ~ Great shots!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Your Gracie and Abbie Gail are beautiful. They're very nice to pose for you. I'm impressed that Abbie Gail is wearing a vest. Our Molly the Cat won't wear one even though we tell her we'll take her for a long walk with it on.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  5. Beautiful kitties.

  6. @Margaret AdamsonI love all things Ireland and I find it ever so cool you commented all the way from Ireland Thank you! :-)

  7. @carol l mckennaI believe Gracie has Maine Coon in her. She has the signature M, three layers of fur, lots of fur in ears and between toes among a few other traits. But, she is your average sized cat -- maybe slightly larger. All that fur in her ears cause her lots of problems because her ears are average/small. I adopted her from a animal rescue organization back in 2009 and even though she has a host of problems including allergies, I never regretted adopting her...

  8. @Su-sieee! MacThank you! Gracie is also harnessed trained. But, she hasn't needed to wear on in over a year as she has calmed down considerable, knows where to go in a state of panic and is about 85% responsive to my commands.

    Abby Gail wears the harness along with a leash for safety reasons. Abby just indicated yesterday that she wanted to go for a walk out front and waited patently for me to hook her up and we were out there for some time before she decided to go explore the back. I recently decided to let her go without the leash out back (but she still has harness on). She's been enjoying that freedom! :-)

  9. I love your cute kitties, adorable shots! Thank you for linking up, sorry I am late commenting!


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