
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Random and Orderly Pictures

I have not been posting pictures of the week of late due to the fact I just have not had the time nor the inclination to take pictures and/or process them. Below is a few favorite pictures taken the last couple of months. Enjoy.

Storm Clouds; 5/25/2013
{To see a larger image, go here.}

Faded Poppy in the Backyard; 6/9/2013

Flower in the Backyard; 6/9/2013

Dragonfly; 6/9/2013

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher; 6/11/2013 (with long lens)
{To see a larger image, go here.}

Butterfly; 6/18/2013

Cool Signature Web Art! 6/18/2013

By the way, this was a very tiny spider – less than an inch long. With the wind blowing, I knew I would not get a great picture; but, I just had to try to capture this gorgeous signature web art!

Garden Spider Feasting on Another Insect; 6/30/2013

Cool Looking Garden Spider! – Different from the Common Ones Around Here; 7/1/2013

Garden Spider with its Mate; 7/2/2013

By the way, this is the same garden spider captured feasting on another bug above.

Cumulonimbus Cloud; 7/4/2013
{To see a larger image, go here.}

The sun was setting and I absolutely loved the coloring of this storm cloud. It is difficult to capture clouds in their glory; but, I tried.

Black Widow; 7/6/2013

Most likely male as it was on the same web as a much larger black widow. Dan killed the larger one and then asked for my camera because he could see this tiny one had gorgeous markings. When he finished taking pictures, he killed this one too.

Daring Spider; 7/6/2013

I discovered this daring spider with a web which was rather unusual hereabouts. Daring spiders rarely have webs; so, I assume this is a nest with eggs (or baby spiders). I found it fascinating this spider could go all the way straight through its webbing – it was a funnel web.

A Gorgeous Sunset; 7/6/2013
{To see a larger image, go here.}

Unknown Spider (Green Lynx?); 7/14/2013

This thing scared the crap out of me when it came out of my gardening gloves when I shook it to make sure nothing was there. (I left the pair outside on the patio table). I quickly grabbed my camera to take a picture.

Unknown Spider (Green Lynx?); 7/14/2013

This scared the crap out of me again when I slowly went around it to take another picture. It is extremely aggressive and extremely quick. As a result, this is not a very good picture because I was unwilling to get very close to the critter. And yes, this was shot with my macro lens.

I have NO clue to what particular species this is although the name green lynx is tickling my mind. To be honest, I never want to see one again. My gloves are now stored inside the house at all times.


  1. Wow. These are awesome! I especially liked the cloud, the sunset and the field of flowers with the scissor-tailed flycatcher...and the butterfly.

    I'm impressed that you have taken so many pictures of spiders since I know you hate them. I'm even more impressed that a person who hates spiders so much is living amongst such a variety of them, LOL.

  2. @littlehouseintheozarks

    Actually, I am extremely fascinated with spiders. I do not like the black widows and have killed two of those so far. (Dan killed the others). We have killed a total of 9 so far this year not counting their possible mates (2). *shudders* The are beneficial critters keeping the bad ones down (such as the aphids). I've seen them eat the grasshoppers which are in abundance here. Speaking of grasshoppers, It's almost plague like situation here because every time we take a step, they hop and/or fly away. The big cats love the big ones that fly and hunt those. Chessie is like a young kitten outside chasing those things.

    I have to tell you that the spiders around here are beginning to get huge and those especially scares me. The ones we have seen are approximately the size of the palm of my hand. We saw two wolf spiders this big in addition to a garden spider. Now, I have seen a garden spider as large as the size of my hand in North Houston. They are mega scary looking spiders but essentially harmless if you leave them alone.

    I am actually more scared of roaches and I thank God I haven't seen one since moving here to SA. I am also more scared of scorpions and yes, we have seen a few. Now those (scorpions) we are leaving alone (unless they get in the house) because I've learned they are territorial and solitary critters with the exception of mating time. I thank God that they tend to be nocturnal and hunt in the night because I do not see them much. They are beneficial critters; but, terrify me to death. I've seen one with a black beetle on top of its back returning to its "home" in the wee hours of the morning. I cheered because I despise those black beetles! LOL. :-)


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