
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wordy Wednesday {Update on House}

All this custom cutting is slowing the process down. This is the hall closet. We have finished the hall closet, master bedroom closet and bedroom #3 closet. We still have another hall closet, the linen closet and bedroom #3 closets to do!

On a positive note, the flooring in all the rooms are done. And, we have started moving stuff over to the new house. We took a truck (F 150 size) load of boxes over last weekend. Dan wanted to move some boxes out of the office to make room for dismantling his huge computer desk workstation. We just did not have room in the tiny rental house to put it all. So, we decided to start moving crap. It will certainly make the moving costs lower by moving some stuff ourselves.

We'll be taking over more stuff this weekend and this time, it will be some of my stuff from the sewing room that I don't want the movers to handle. We will also be doing some yard work in addition to finishing up the flooring in the closets this weekend.

I am still packing. Yes, I am slow as cold molasses. But, I am finally getting excited because I can see the end is near! Hurray! I will post whenever I can; but, no guarantees. I have a HUGE pile of links for a Link Roundup (Saturdays). I just have not found the time to do that as it involves much more intensive editing work on my part. So, the links just keep on piling up. Ha!

I also have a huge pile of pictures to go through including the ones from our camping trip. Speaking of pictures, my card for the camera got full over this past weekend which tells me I have been lazy! Fortunately, I had another backup card to use.

Until next time,


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