Word of the Year
2011 – Do
2012 – Finish
2013 – Anew (Afresh)
2014 – Focus
I have been so unfocused lately that it is driving me insane. I am sure it is driving Dan crazy. So, the word of the year for 2014 is focus. I need to take a deep breath and center myself. I am going to endeavor to concentrate on one thing at a time. One project at a time. One task at a time. One meal at a time. And, get it done. You get the drift.
As for setting goals this year, they are not extensive as I seem to just out and out fail due to life and other reasons. So, it is just a simple 52 weeks:
- Savings Challenge
This is an incremental challenge that I find very easy to do. Since there are two of us, I am setting aside $2 for the first week, $4 the second, $6 the third and so on and so forth. {To find out more, just search for “52 weeks savings plan” as this challenge is viral.}
- Books
I miss reading books and have not really enjoyed reading them for a long time due to a variety of reasons including judgmental souls who told me that I was being anti-social and needed to be more involved. I have been unhappy trying to fulfill my promise (to get them off my back) to try to participate. By the way, this was years and years ago – before I got married. Well, I am done with them. I am returning to my first love and that is books and I do not care what others may think of me. By the way, this challenge may or may not include books previously read. Also, I may choose to read young adult or preteen books which often are quick reads and exactly what I need for that moment.
- Projects
This will be a variety of things such as crafting, organization, baking or cooking (new recipes), etc., and etc. For example, I may want to alter several composition books; so, that could be my project for the week. Or, I may want to clean out and organize the extended pantry which is currently driving me batty. So, that could be my project of the week.
And oh, we have officially gone on to the “no spend month” only it will extend into two or three months. The exceptions to the rule is 1) travel and hotel costs (to visit family) and 2) house and related expenses to continue work. How is that for fun start to the New Year?
I so feel you on this one. I am half-way finished on blogging my goals for the new year (which, by the way, I almost always fail at, too. LOL!).
ReplyDeleteI know you usually blog about your goals for the new year, so I thought, "Hey, I'll go and see what Lee Ann's list looks like this year." Hehe. I like yours way better than mine (which starts on Monday, since we were gone on New Year's Day, and since Monday is a Monday and the start of all things new). I think I am doomed to fail, already. LOL. But...what the hey...at least I'm trying. It's when you give up that you are done for. I like your idea of smaller challenges.
BTW, I love that one of your goals is to read books again. I'm sorry for the comment that someone made to you. Reading improves so many things not related to the books. They inspire and motivate to do other things in your life, and improve your brain function. FYI, if I ever want to learn how to do something, or about something, I always go to the young adult section at the library. It's more on my level. One of my all time favorite series is the "Little House" books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and I think that technically, it's a children's book. I never read them until I was an adult. Who cares who the books are marketed for? Ya know? Writing can be good, no matter what level it's written for.
Anyway, I wish you success in your endeavors and I hope that this year is a good one for you, my friend.
Edit: I guess I should say if there is a broad topic I'm researching, I'll go to the young adult section, first. If I really need to know how to do something specific, I will, of course go to the adult section.
ReplyDeleteThank You! I wish you success in yours (endeavors). I need to blog about what I'm currently doing. I think it is turning out cool.
And, I need to blog about a project I just finished. And, and, and... It is neverending things I want to do. LOL. :-)
ReplyDeleteI understand!