{Note: This post is for both the usual Monday's pictures and Tuesday's crafts post. I will resume regular programming next week.   :-}
In the beginning of January, Patchwork Times drew the Number 6. And, the number 6 was assigned to "Scrap Upchuck". {You can see my original post to see what number was assigned to what UFO.}
I don't know why I separated the fabric squares into light, mediums and darks. Habit I guess. I didn't really need to do that. did I?. And, there was an extra smaller box full of fabrics that I also used which was not pictured.
Anyway, I started on committing random acts of violence against fabrics. Ha! I cut up a bunch of 2.5" squares -- 1,375 scraps, 204 "darks" and 134 "lights". The original Scrap Upchuck quilt used solid black and blues. I didn't want to purchase any more fabric as I wanted to use up the stash that I had set aside eons ago to sell or giveaway. And besides, I'm not a solid fan. I rather use tone-on-tone fabrics or fabrics that "read" as solids. So, I am attempting to use "dark" fabrics and "light" fabrics from the stash.
I thought it was going to take me forever to cut a kajillion little squares. But, it actually went rather quickly. I had shoved my hand inside the boxes of stash and randomly drew out fabrics. I even drew out a bag that was labeled as stash fabrics! It contained nine quarter yard cuts of Nancy Crow's fabrics -- ancient and perfect! Ha!
I finished cutting all the required squares needed and the UFO challenge on January 21st. I was absolutely thrilled.
Since, the month was not quite over, I decided to slap some squares on my design wall. I'm doing things backwards. There are two different blocks for this quilt: A & B. I am suppose to start making Block As first. However, I am starting with and making block Bs. That is me. Crazy. But hey, I'm the one making this thing. I can do it in any order I please, correct? Ha!
Here is what I have on the design wall. Oh boy. They are not very pretty or good looking, Are they? Oh well. That is why it is called 'scrap upchuck'! Ha! All I need to do is start sewing the squares together to make the blocks. This is only four 'B' blocks. I need to make a total of seventeen of them. Auuggghh! Ha!
Anyway, the UFO challenge for January (cutting all the fabric squares) is completed. Hurray!