
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Making Decisions == Headaches {True}

{About the title: '==' is a relational operator meaning "equal to" in a programming language (C++). In other words, does making decisions bring on headaches? In my case, the title evaluates as true. Yes, I am being silly playing around. I miss programming; but, I do not miss the rat race that comes with the career.}

I have a framed picture that Dan bought me years ago. It used to hang above our fireplace in our north Houston home. It is now going to be placed in my room. This piece is the inspiration for colors within the room. As you can probably see, the wall color is an extreme close match to the background color of the picture.

I have colors chosen for a project; but, I cannot decide between the top two middle colors. (The green color is for another project).

I was looking at them Monday night and was thinking that the rose color would be best. However, in the light of day yesterday (which is when I took this picture), I really liked the purple. Yes, purple is not one of the colors in the painting; but, it coordinates. At least, I think it does. And besides, purple is one of my favorite colors. (The other favorite is green).

The problem is what is really the best color to choose? Hmmmm... I dislike making decisions like these as it gives me a headache. I think it is the stress of wanting to get it correct (pleasing to the eye) and yet, making me happy at the same time.


  1. For me it depends on what's being painted. I love the greens but like both of the others also. Is it a large object? Small? Etc. I would envision my space and all the different items together...the space done. Which color gives you the effect you want? If it's something smallish... I lean toward the dark berry (verses middle). If larger item then middle berry. MHO

  2. I like the Rose colors, but I think that's just a personal color preference on my part. The picture seems to have the most of the green color in it, though, if the other swatches were placed on the picture like the green swatch, it might pull some of those colors out of the picture.

    I wasn't sure what you were going to paint, either. Since you mentioned the background in the picture is the color of the walls, it led me to believe you are not painting the walls. Or maybe you are?

    IMHO, if this is the color of the walls you are choosing, that's a lot of color, and you should go with the color that will be most pleasing for you, regardless of the picture. There have been studies done on the effect different colors have on a person. I read that McD's use to use orange and yellow decor to get people in and out quickly, because it wasn't relaxing. Blue is used for mental patients because it has a calming effect, etc.

  3. FWIW, I hate making decisions, too. I'm always afraid I'll make the wrong decision and be displeased with it.

  4. @FlakyLMDThe green is going to be used to paint a larger project.

    I think the project I'm going to paint is smallish. But others may not think so.

    The only goal to achieve an affect is happiness. Ha! :-)

  5. @littlehouseintheozarks.comMy Mother love antique rose colors herself. She loved blues too. As for me, I tend to like the vibrant colors. I mean, look at my pantry (orange) and kitchen (weird minty color).

    I am not painting the walls. Heck, no way am I repainting the walls. I am very happy with the current wall color. And, Dan is too.

    As for the green color, that is for a larger project.

  6. @littlehouseintheozarks.comYou and me both! We are alike in so many ways.

    I don't desire to have to work all over again because I made the wrong choice in the first place. I am not a painter. In fact, I dislike painting and am terrible at it. Dan lets me prime and maybe put on the first coat; but, after that, he prefers to do the work himself. Ha! So, it is important to me to make the right choice the first time.

    PS The middle colors of the top color cards are what I consider "vibrant". As for the other project for the green color, I can't decide between the two middle colors. Decisions, decisions, decisions...

  7. @Lee Ann L.

    I like your wall color, FWIW. I prefer neutral colors, and then to decorate with other colors.

    ...and there again is another similarity. I am an absolutely HORRIBLY messy painter. Hate it. I don't have the patience for that meticulous work. I painted when we were getting ready to sell our other house. This time, we hired someone.

    I'm dying to know what it is that you are going to paint, but I guess you are holding us in suspense on purpose. ;-)

  8. @littlehouseintheozarks.comWhat I am going to paint is silly because most people do not even cosider doing such a thing; but, it will add color to the room AND make me happy. And oh, you're correct in holding y'all in suspense on purpose. :-D


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