Still. What does that word mean to me?
My life is often lived in silence. It means quiet and not so noisy. I still have my aid; but, I rarely wear it at home. It means calmness. And, patience.
I observe people and always, I notice that they are forever busy multitasking. They are forever on their phones talking or texting. They are forever checking up things on emails and the internet. In their cars. In the grocery stores. In the park. Everywhere I go, I see them with a gadget planted to their ears or in their hand while doing other things including when they are visiting others.
In their busyness, they often neglect the important things in life. It is hard to be still and let things go. It is hard to just simply be still.
God says for us to sit still and know that He is God. He wants us to be calm and always listening for Him. He wants us to be worry free and to trust in Him. We often miss His little nudges in our attempt to fill every second with busyness.
Be still and know that I am God Psalms 46:10
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word on the prompt, “Still.”
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Get a little crazy with encouragement in the comments of the five minuter who linked up before you.
I thought I try my hand at the challenge. This is not easy to do! Read the post at the link, give it a whirl and see what you come up with. :-)