
Monday, April 4, 2016

Weekly Recap #13

{March 28 through April 3, 2016}


  • The lemon tree that split in half is doing great under the circumstances. I am real pleased. the flowers have burst forth from buds. But, since this is the first year, I am not sure if they will become lemons. We are pampering the silly tree (along with the others). I have even added organic food spikes to help nourish it. I might have to add magnesium (via Epsom salts) if signs indicate the need for this nutrient.
  • I also did some yard work by weeding some nasty dandelions. These are the ones that hog the lands and water for themselves starving wildflowers and more from growing. I do not touch the false dandelions as I like these very much and they do help butterflies and bees. It took me two days to pull them all up along the driveway. The first day, my muscles started to hurt. I mean, pain hurt. So, I quit. The second day, I just got real tired and had the shakes after I finished the work. Now, it is just maintenance (getting rid of new ones).

    I have been seeing small little sunflower plants popping up since I pulled the nasty dandelions. I looks like I might have a decent border of sunflowers again this year in spite of the fact these weeds existed. I am usually vigilant and pull them whenever I see any pop up. The backyard is practically free of them this spring. There are some around a crepe myrtle tree out front that I need to pull up. But, all in all, the result of two years of effort is making me happy.

Quilting; Crafts

  • Finished Section 1 of the Gypsy Wife Quilt. I blogged about it here. I was extremely pleased with what I've done. Now, onto section 2.

    splish splash stash

DIY Shed aka "The Barn"

  • We finished establishing the joists for both "the barn" and the deck (porch). Let me tell you, I felt victorious when I managed to dead lift the joists for the deck of the barn. It made me think of my oldest niece who is into lifting weights. Even though I managed to lift it, I could not shuffle sideways. Sheesh. But, I was able to place my end on where we wanted it to go and slide it the rest of the way. I most likely will post pictures this Wednesday if I can find the time and inclination to do so.

  • I started and finished reading One Good Dog by Susan Wilson. It was a fast clean read and I finished it in two days. I think I could have read it in one day if I did not have other things to do.

    This book was both sad and victorious. Susan Wilson has a way with written words and an ability to get into what could be a dog’s thoughts. This is the second book I have read by this author and I picked up this book at Half Price Books.

    You can read more on what the book is about on both Goodreads and Amazon.

    I gave this book four stars on Goodreads.

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...and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.

~ The Doctor (of Doctor Who) ~

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