I took a look at my template and in the course of research, I discovered that policy of the hosting site, ImageShack, for the images of the blog has changed. I have also discovered that my account at ImageShack is considered "abandoned" as of February 1, 2016. Thus, the images for the blog are now lost. The sad thing is that I was never notified of the policy changes. If I had known, I would have taken measures to prevent this from happening.
I was content with the look of my blog which is why it has not really changed over the years. But, I am being forced to change the look of this blog and I am not a happy camper. You do not want an unhappy camper blogging. Ha!
I no longer consider myself to be a "newbie" at blogging, templates, and whatnot. However, I am extremely lazy. I like having a software that does the work for me. But, I no longer want multiple hosting sites for my pictures and images. Thus, the blog will look a mess for awhile until I get answers concerning the choice of the image hosting site. One site for ALL images, especially if I have to pay for it, is enough. To have multiple sites is ridiculous and could be potentially costly.
So, I am asking that y'all hang in there with me and this the awful looking blog. One day soon, hopefully real soon, it will be back to looking nice again.
Since Im restricted to moble view until we get our pc fixed, I can honestly say I never noticed a thang. I love what you post and dont pay attention to the rest.
ReplyDeleteIt was looking pretty ragged. Lost header, images besides the title of post, images at bottom of posts, the background image, etc., and etc. Practically everything was gone. I just finished updating the template to look as close as I could get it to the old one. I think it will do fine until I decide to give it ALL a brand new look. :-)