
Thursday, February 18, 2016

A List of Quilt A Longs

Here is a list of current, about to happen, or future quilt a longs {QAL} that you may or may not be interested in joining. All are free. There may be options in which you can purchase fabrics and the like; but, I prefer to choose my own.

  • As you all probably know, I am desiring to be a part of the Gypsy Wife Quilt A Long. The quilt is unique and fits me to a T. I have been wanting to make one for some time now and even purchased the book. This may help me get into the groove and start making the quilt.

    splish splash stash
  • I have been following the Ugly Christmas Sweaters QAL even going so far as to color in some free coloring pages whenever a new block is posted. I think it would be fun and humorous to have a quilt for the guest room in December. If I do make one, I'm going to try to include just a tad more reds and greens along with the orange/gold to make it more "Christmasy".

    Sew Fresh Quilts
  • Craftsy has a block of the month (BOM) that is free! The instructor is Lynette Jensen (founder of Thimbleberries). Check it out here: 2016 Block of the Month.
  • If you like stars along with a variety of other blocks, Starry Night Sampler Block of the Month might be the one for you and it begins on February 15th.

  • The Splendid Sampler Sew A Long by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson. A mystery that consists of 100 6" blocks. Two blocks are released per week (Sundays and Thursdays) with two holiday breaks. There are 83 designers and a variety of sewing techniques.

    Spledid Sampler Sew A Long
  • If you or someone you know loves mincraft, this QAL may fit the bill: Minecraft Sew Along. A block is posted every Monday and they are currently on block 5.

    Minecraft Sew Along
There are tons more quilt a longs out there. It is just a matter of finding them and picking one (or more) that fits the bill for you.

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