
Friday, March 20, 2015

Feline Friday {Dry Sink}

I had put an old quilt that I bought at a steal years ago in my mother's dry sink in hopes the cats would use it as a bed and leave the rest of the room alone. Nope. Gracie prefers harder surfaces like one of the kitchen chairs that we placed in my room. And Abby Gail tends prefer to be up higher such as my cutting and sewing machine table.

But, when I fixed up a shadowbox and placed it in the dry sink, I discovered that Abby is now using it as a bed.

What is it with cats? They are never happy unless they think they are where they do NOT belong.

By the way, that shadowbox is a kit that I won years ago and I finally put it to good use. I was originally going to use it for something else once we settled down; but, I decided it was better to use it for the wooden roses I gave my mother and the card she kept along with them. The framing just reminds me of my mother and it was just perfect.


  1. A nice spot for a nap! Cute kitty! Thanks for linking up, happy weekend!

  2. A nice spot indeed.

  3. That looks like a perfect spot for a catnap. My cat likes to stuff herself into a wicker basket.

  4. yes, cats can be very "ornery", but they're gorgeous just the same. Abby Gail has lovely markings

  5. So cute! That's a great spot for a nap.

  6. @bailey-road.comThanks. I had cats that liked to stuff themselves into boxes and whatnot. But, these two I currently have do not.

  7. @ValerieThank you! Abby Gail does have some interesting markings. We believe her origins are Abyssinian, Savannah and tabby. Her wildness (personality) certainly is ever present.


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