This is an interruption of the Blogging Break.
This is done to bring my family an update.
I did end up returning home to the Houston area Monday night. We left late in the night and arrived approximately 3 hours later - after midnight. My mother was sent to the ER after being unresponsive in the nursing home. I wanted to be there for her, my brother and sister-in-law. After all, I am free to be there where all the others are working. In other words, they have a life and I don’t. Ha!
Anyway, when we arrived, Mother was doing slightly better. It appears that she “revived” after receiving IV fluids. It turned out that she had an extremely bad infection. They admitted her into the hospital and she received antibiotics via IV.
I stayed with her during the days at the hospital. She slowly recovered and returned to her normal self. She was released Thursday evening. She was very happy to return “home” and to all things familiar.
I visited with Mother whenever she had a meal delivered – three times a day. I noticed a few things changed with her. She is very lucid and awake in the mornings. She also will eat breakfast – eggs, sausage patty, and more. She even drinks some OJ and milk straight out of the carton! How weird is that?!?!? She is more tired during lunch and very tired dinnertime. So, maybe her schedule changed to where she is more awake in the mornings now?
I also noticed that she has trouble expressing herself. She knows what she wants to say; but, she had difficulty saying the word(s). For example, Raisin Bran was delivered and she said “No. I want…” She knew exactly what she wanted; but, she could not speak the word for some odd reason. I’d say “Cheerios” and she’d say “yeah”.
She also has to think about things a little. For example, she had butter in one hand and a knife in the other. She was stuck for a few. She looked at both items for a few seconds trying to figure things out and finally figured that she needed to put the butter down to pick up the bread.
In spite of these minor issues, she is still Mother and she is doing extremely well. I left this morning to return home. My kitties, especially Gracie, were very happy to see me. I have to say that I was very happy to see them too as I had missed them. And, of course, I’m extremely happy to be with my Dan again too.
Due to this event, I have decided to
extend my blogging break another week or two. I hope none of you mind the extension of the break; but, I really need time to regroup and recoup.
This Concludes the Blogging Break Interruption. Thank You for Your Patience.