
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Layer Cake Quilt Along: Block 10

I printed off the instructions for Block 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Layer Cake Quilt Along over a week ago. Yes, I am way behind.

Block 10

I grabbed a set of instructions out of the pile and made a block. It turned out that it is for Block 10. This means I am going out of order! Oh well. It will all get done no matter what order I go in, correct?

For this block, I dipped into the second layer cake (package of 10" squares of fabric) that I bought for backup. I wanted my background fabric to be all one fabric. I am really glad I made this choice. Also, I used leftover scraps for the dark brown (ampersands) square.

You will have to use your imagination. It is suppose to be a flower. This was difficult for me considering my color palate is limited. The original instructions called for yellow, pink, red, and green fabrics. My fabrics are blues and browns.

I had a personal goal to get at least Block 8, 9, and 10 done by yesterday. Ha! Ultimate Fail! I will endeavor to get another block done today. We will see. I am also hoping to get the rest of the blocks done by next Tuesday before block 12 is released. By the way, there are a total of twelve blocks for this quilt along.

The Flickr group is still going strong; although, activity seemed to have slowed down some. I am assuming that I am not the only one to be lagging behind in this quilt along.

1 comment:

  1. I just made a patchwork cushion from this fabric and have to say Im loving your quilt along posts. They look fab and I cant wait to see it all finished! x


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