{March 20 through March 28, 2016}
- A few things in my garden did not survive a recent cold spell (it was 35*F Monday morning). And, I am fighting gophers. The peanuts, onions, strawberries, chives and a few others are thriving. The cucumbers (pickling) plants did not survive. I thought another plant would not survive because their fragile leaves wilted; but, it looks like they are making a comeback.
We decided to replant some cucumbers (pickling) seeds in an old plant bed because 1) I am fighting gophers and 2) they grew well there in the past.
We also had a severe thunderstorm come through one night that snapped my new lemon tree in half. I think there were a couple of problems to begin with. The tree was top heavy for one. It was like a wall to the wind and just kept blowing and bending it over. The way the tree was staked was another problem.
Dan purchased some grafting tape on the way home from work. We taped it back together and then staked the heck out of it. I pruned off some branches from the top so that the wind can blow through it a little better. All of this happened March 24. The below picture was snapped on the morning of March 28th (today).
I am amazed that it is still doing well. The leaves have not wilted and the lemon blossoms are still growing. One of them is about to burst open. However, I am forcing myself to not be so hopeful until a week or so has passed.
- I finished making blocks 4 and 5 (Section 1) for the Gypsy Wife Quilt. I chose and cut all the fabric (strips) for section 1 (and beyond as the strips are used continuously in the quilt). I have sewn up what I call “mini sections” within Section 1. There are three “mini sections” and two of them are done. I need to do the third and then sew them all together.
I decided to quit using Mother’s sewing machine and go back to Jan(ome). I talked with Dan and we decided to take it in to get it cleaned up and checked out. I do not think it has ever been serviced. I am just paranoid about ruining the machine.
Bordered Hourglass Block
- We had materials to build a decent size shed that I am calling “The Barn” delivered this past Saturday (March 26). We proceeded to move a bunch of the material that was not pressure treated into the garage.
We then proceeded to plot out the space and start establishing the base for the shed. The actual framing for the flooring and whatnot will be started this coming Saturday.
The cats, especially Abby Gail, love the fact that we are out there working. She was in my chair for approximately 45 minutes just vegetating, watching us and keeping an eagle eye out for gophers and other critters. The disadvantage is that she does not sleep. So, when we came indoors for lunch, she had a hard time relaxing to nap. I was able to soothe her a bit while she insisted on being on my chest. She finally relaxed enough and headed for the top of the cat tree went to sleep and she slept hard.
I crashed both days (Saturday and Sunday) and had to call it early (went to bed around 8:00pm). It is hard work and maybe a bit too hard for me. But, I refuse to quit. Doing these kinds of things keeps us alive and young, does it not?
- Since we are working on building the shed on the weekends, my recaps will now be Mondays to Sundays and posted on either Monday or Tuesday.
Strive for progress, not perfection.~ Unknown ~
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