
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Link Roundup

NOTE: I will be away from the computer for some time. I do have several blog posts scheduled; although, there will not be a Monday Macro post. If the posts do not continue, please do not worry. It just means I am extremely busy with our new house and am on a blogging break. Thank you!

  • Sitting Pretty Pincushion Sewing; Tutorial
  • Traveling Pincushion Tutorial
  • Organization geeks Need Not Go Broke DIY

    Uses cereal boxes, wrapping paper (or fabric) and Mod Podge.

  • Cereal Box Stationary Organizer DIY; Tutorial

    Note: My thinking is that one can use any box for the above two projects – the sturdier, the better!

  • My Best Work Clipboard DIY; Tutorial

    I think this is a wonderful way to display your kids’ homework results and art. I’m not going to lie. I probably would change the text and steal it for myself as I love the idea!

  • RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event – English Youtube video
  • Human Lie Detector Christian; Inspirational
    He loves you madly. In a reckless, sacrifice-His-own-Son-to-save-you sort of way.

    Repeat after me, friends: I am loved. I have a purpose. God doesn’t make junk.

  • Whomever Christian; Inspirational
    With God, there is no “whomever you choose to believe in is fine.”
    God doesn’t tell us that our spiritual life is open-ended and we can seek our spirituality with whomever we like. Our spiritual life is not multiple-choice, it is not a smorgasbord of options, it is not a variety pack we can pick and choose from based upon what looks good to us.
  • On Comparison Christian; Inspirational
    Can I spend so much time chasing numbers that I cease to live a life worth writing about in the first place?

    I want to spend my days striving to follow Him instead of worrying about who’s following me.

    What about you?

  • How do we Stop Hiding and Instead open Ourselves up to Community Inspirational
    We try to make community more complicated than it needs to be. But really all it means is being there. Not hiding. Not believing the lie that someone else could do it better. Not even waiting for someone to reach out to us. It’s just making ourselves available. Being willing to be messy–whether it’s our hair or our hearts.

    Someone needs you today. Just as you are.

  • Parts Of Me I Like To Hide: 8 Ways To Come Out Of Hiding Inspirational
    1. Don’t wait until you’re all better before you reach out to find a friend.

    Reach out now, while you’re broken — and find the people who can truly be your friend. Now is the time to get the support you need.

    3. View opening up as an act of trust in God rather than a test of someone’s acceptance of you.

    Finding a friend is another way of trusting God in the journey. You’re going to need someone to walk this path with you. When Jesus sent out the disciples out in ministry, He sent them two by two. The new commandment Jesus gives us is to, “Love one another, as I have loved you.”

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordy Wednesday {Moonset}

(To see a bigger image, go here.)

This was taken at our new house. I am sure I will have plenty more opportunities to get better pictures. I am loving this place!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Macro Monday {Spring Wildflowers}

{Participating in Macro Monday, I heart Macro, and Your Sunday Best.}

I was taking a look through some old pictures and ran across this one taken on March 17, 2012 during our adventure with Flat Dylan. For some odd reason, I really love this picture.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Build a Bundle (#6); Fat Quarter Shop

Last week's winning bundle is nice.

I am going to limit myself from now on as I do not really have the time to be creating bundles. I need to get cracking and finish packing! I am almost done with the packing business. Thank God!

And, to be honest, I am getting discouraged. I do not know what they are looking for. What are the criterion? I have no idea and I believe that is my stumbling block. I must remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What looks wonderful to one person may look horrid to another. I just wish I can see the fabrics in person because a sometimes a thumbnail just is not enough.

Below are four bundles that I have come up with. The first fabric is the staff pick of the week and it is part of the "Ahoy Matey" line of fabrics by Michael Miller. I really loved the middle fabric I found; so, I stuck with that particular one. I then picked a variety of third fabrics that could potentially work with the first two. As with previous Build a Bundle posts, you can click on the images to see a bigger image.

My creation 4 My creation 2 My creation 3 My creation 1

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wordy Wednesday {Tractor}

Our New Tractor

Yes, it is called a tractor even though it does not look like one. It's a riding mower with the ability to haul things if needed. This new baby was delivered yesterday. Dan and I will be playing around with this new toy this coming weekend (in addition to moving more stuff over to the house if the weather permits).

We shopped and shopped looking for just the right one for me to use at a decent price. I really wanted a John Deere; but, they have outrageous prices. We decided on this one quite some time ago; but, waited for a sale or clearance. We got this on what I call a 'double sale'. It was on sale and by using the Sears Mastercard, we got an additional 5% off. Did I mentioned that we got free delivery? Yes, free delivery too!

I am violating the anti-debt rules by using a credit card and doing the 'pay it off in six months with no interest and finance charges' plan. I felt that at this time in our lives, it would be better to spread the cost over five months even though we had the funds to pay it off immediately. In these kind of situations, I always pay the debt off well ahead of time. In the case, it will be five months instead of the standard six.

I just love the red, don't you? Actually, it was the most comfortable riding mower I sat on. That, along with the price, was the deciding factors.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Macro Monday {Recursive Raindrops}

{Participating in Macro Monday, I heart Macro, and Your Sunday Best.}

Recursive Raindrops

It rained and rained yesterday. I was very happy to see the rain as it has been a long time since we had a decent amount of rain in this drought prone area.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Build a Bundle (#5); Fat Quarter Shop

The last week's winning bundle is beautiful!
There is no limit to the amount of bundles you can create so go crazy and be creative!
Needless to say, I went kind of crazy. I was not feeling too hot due to a headache and waking up with a hot flash that seemed to last forever. A facebook friend said "That wasn't a hot flash, but an energy surge." Sad, but true.

Anyway, when I read the above quote, I zoned out so much 'working' yesterday morning that my stomach woke me up. It was almost 1:00pm! I had to break for lunch! I then went right back to 'work'.

The below are the bundles I came up with. I am afraid that I got carried away playing around with complementary colors in the end. It is the year of the orange (Tangerine) after all. Gah! By the way, the blue/green Batik with "diamonds" is the designer's fabric choice. You can click on each image and it will take you to a bigger image in the Flickr album.
  • Calm The Fabric:
    My creation: Calm the Fabric
  • 'Circular' Triad:
    My creation: 'Circular' Triad
  • 'Straight" Triad:
    My creation: 'Straight' Triad
  • Owl Fun:
    My creation: Owl Fun
  • Monochromatic 'Buttons':
    My creation: Monochromatic Buttons
  • Monochromatic Scheme:
    My creation: Monochromatic Scheme
  • Complementary I
    My creation: Complementary I
  • Complementary II
    My creation: Complementary II
  • Complementary Fun I
    My creation: Complementary Fun I
  • Complementary Fun II
    My creation: Complementary Fun II
  • Complementary Fun III
    My creation: Complementary Fun III
  • 'Green' & 'Teal'
    My creation: 'Green' & 'Teal'

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Weekend in Pictures

We went to the Dallas area last weekend (September 8-9) to attend a grand-niece's first birthday party. The entire weekend was rather lovely! I do so enjoy watching the kids and visiting with family and friends. There was a baseball practice, soccer game, birthday party and a brunch gathering.

It was hard to narrow the pictures down so that this post is not so heavy laden. I did not succeed so well. Anyway, below are some of my favorites shots I took. Keep in mind that these are snapshots. So, do not be expecting perfection. Also, the pictures shown have been resized to fit the blog; so, they are not as great as seeing the full-sized version. Enjoy!

(By the way, Dan will be posting his pictures on his blog soon. I will nag him until he does.)

The Birthday Girl

All the Toddlers Loved this Toy

Pure Joy

These two boys are cousins. They play well together, don't they?

These three are all cousins to one another

The following is a series of pictures of a lovely little girl that I just had to post.

And, last of all, this is my absolute favorite! I'm absolutely floored.

{To see the larger picture, go here.}

Oh how I wish I had captured the birthday girl like this! Maybe some day.

Remember, Dan will be posting his pictures on his blog soon.