A friend of mine is being brave and going gray. She looks fabulous. There is a facebook page called Going Gray, Looking Great. I have never heard of this movement and / or book until recently.
I have never dyed my hair. The only thing I ever had done to my hair was get it permed. Once. I hated it. I also hated sitting in that chair for two hours when I could be doing better things with my life. So, I never did fuss with my hair again other than to blow dry and fuss with it a bit in my career days. I do get it cut and trimmed periodically; but, not much more than those things.
I asked Dan to take pictures of me focusing on the gray in my hair. So, we managed to get some pictures taken on March 12. Below are some of my favorite pictures from the "session". Ignore the ugly ol' lady and take a gander at my gray. Enjoy!
I love your gray.... When I started working for a bank in TExas I had a hard time keeping up with the skunk in the middle of my head so I went to the beauty shop and asked her to put some blonde in my air so I could grow out my gray. Been gray every since....