
Monday, December 31, 2012

A Week In Pictures (#14)

Well, I said I would endeavor to post week #14 last Friday. I never made it due to sickness. In fact, I am still sick. I even lost my voice (Laryngitis) and let me tell you it was not fun. So anyway, here is a week in pictures Enjoy.

Wrapped 12/21/2012

I wrapped my wrist with lots of bracelets. This works, correct?

Warmth 12/22/2012

These mittens were made for my brother’s family by our Grandmother. I still have a few of my own from her including some socks.

Bokeh 12/23/2012

I did not spend a lot of time with this and honestly, I did not really care. But, this turned out pretty good, correct?

Twas the Night 12/24/2012

…to party and pig out on delicious food!

Unwrapped 12/25/2012

All the papers and boxes ended up in a neat pile in the center of the room. And no, these are not ours…

Toy 12/26/2012

Dan collects Mustang cars and for the first time in several years, he found a couple.

Favorite Thing 12/27/2012

I have had this pen bag for a very long time and I do love me some Sharpies and more.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Week in Pictures (#13)

I am catching up on the Week in Pictures posts. I will endeavor to post #14 tomorrow and if I managed to succeed, I will be all caught up! I hope everyone who celebrates the season had a wonderful holiday.

B&W 12/14/2012

I took this picture while Gracie was exploring outside. Near bedtime, I realized I had not taken a picture for this day’s subject; so, I turned this one into a B&W image. Not too shabby.

Something Yummy 12/15/2012

My dinner: Cracker Pizza.

Hands at Work 12/16/2012

We painted the new front door on this day and while painting, I remembered the topic for the day’s subject and grabbed the camera and started taking pictures of Dan painting. It works.

Comfort 12/17/2012

I really did not feel like taking pictures. But, I mustered up enough energy to set up this shot. It’s not the greatest and slightly blurry; but, at the time, I did not really care. And, I have got to say that blurry was exactly how I felt on this day anyway. Ha!

No Image for “It’s Cold Outside” 12/18/2012

I could not think of a subject matter to shoot for this day; so, there is no picture. Down here in central Texas, it is very warm anyway. In fact, the high on this day was 83* F.

Light 12/19/2012

I love candles. So, I set this up and snapped a few pictures.

Bonus Image: Light 12/19/2012

Dan was watching and helping me while I was setting this up and shooting. After all, It is a fire hazard! Anyway, he decided he wanted to play too and I willing participated by modeling for him. I love how this turned out.

Furry Faces 12/20/2012

Gracie is very sleepy and grumpy.

Bonus Image: Furry Faces 12/20/2012

She pulled in her lone paw and closed her eyes. I took pity on her and left her alone soon after this shot.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wordy Wednesday {Chessie - Funny}

Chessie Sticking Her Tongue Out at You {12/15/2012}

Dan caught Chessie with her tongue out and pointed it out to me. She was completely unaware of this fact. I was surprised she let me take a picture of her. She is too cute at times!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Link Roundup

It's been a very long time since I have done a Link Roundup post. I just have not been into doing these of late especially since my time on the internet is limited these days.

NOTE: I will post the latest week in pictures as soon as I can. I am behind in many things due to the Christmas holidays; but, it will get done. This is one thing I really do not want to neglect. In the meantime, I wish you all a happy and safe holidays as it is madness out there!

  • Cat Transit System!

    Decorating; For Pets; Interesting; Weird

    I think this is awesome! I have always wanted to build something for our cats -- nothing so fancy as this. But, something.

  • 6 Tips on Photographing Lightning During the Day Photography
  • The Best Thing I Ever Learned About the Word No
    No. That’s a complete sentence. You don’t have to justify yourself. You don’t have to apologize for saying no. You just have to say it. And move on. Is it always easy? No. But I’m learning there’s big truth hidden in little ideas like that.
  • Are You in the Guilt Cycle or the Grace Cycle? Christian; Inspirational

    If you’re like me, the Guilt Cycle is one of my biggest struggles. I go into it without even realizing it until the end of the day when I’m exhausted. I’m asking God to teach me to live differently. To trade guilt for grace. How does that happen? Here’s a start…
  • Speak Louder than the Nutella Christian; Inspirational

    Because I’m the only one home, I have an outloud conversation with myself.

    “I’m not hungry,” I say into the emptiness of my kitchen, “I’m just alone. And sad. And I’m about to eat this Nutella because something in my brain says that it will satisfy this hurt.”


    My grip tightens on the spoon and I slowly close my eyes.

    “God, You’re gonna have to be louder than this Nutella.”

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Untied (Loose) Ends are Sad

Lt. Colonel Ralph Fowler, Ret.

We would occasionally get junk mail for this particular guy. I never really thought much about them (mail). If anything appeared to be important, I would return it to the post office. But lately, Christmas cards have been trickling in for this dude and it made me feel sad that some people did not know he has not lived here for some time as we bought this house back in May.

So, I went a researching using the name above that was on the front of an envelope and found an Obit. I was amazed that I found something that matched the little details I knew and I was floored by the obit itself. It appears that this man led a very full life and passed away just six days shy of his 100th birthday. My sadness belonged to the people mailing the Christmas cards because they do not know of his passing…

And today, I discovered a package for a Ralph Fowler was left just inside the gate (of our yard). Today, my sorrow for those who obviously cared about this man is renewed because there were two more Christmas cards addressed to him. The package itself was from WSU Creamery – more specifically, the president of WSU.

The box said to refrigerate upon arrival. So, I knew that it had dairy product(s) inside. I did a little research and found a phone number. I had Dan call the creamery to determine whether or not we needed to return the package. They said to keep it and they will let the appropriate people know the situation.

I feel really weird about opening and keeping stuff meant for the dead. (By the way, the christmas cards were returned to the Post Office). I opened the package and it turned out to be a can of sharp white cheddar cheese. The above picture does not do it any justice. It is a HUGE can. I am fascinated by this cheese and I googled “WSU creamery” and found a link. I have discovered that 1) it is natural cheese (not processed) and 2) in their research, cans were the best option for storing cheese.

I then returned to the obit and upon close examination, I discovered that Ralph Fowler and his wife (who passed away in 1997) has a scholarship fund at WSU. I am assuming that WSU is grateful for their activism at the university and sent a Christmas gift and card to this man. But then, what do I really know? I can only assume things from a few clues I discovered in this situation.

I am not sure why I am writing. I feel sadness for the people left behind – those who sent Christmas cards. They do not even know he is gone. Untied (loose) ends are just sad.

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Week in Pictures (#12)

The View from Here 12/7/2012

{To see a larger image, go here).

Sunset view from on top of the house. I knew it was going to be a beautiful sunset and I practically begged Dan to let me get up on the roof. Yes. Me. Afraid of heights! Get up on the roof! He set up the ladder. I climbed and then crawled to the top. Ha! No way was I going to stand up. He was more than a little amused at me. It was a gorgeous sunset.

Shopping 12/8/2012

We did a lot of shopping on this day – running around like a mad hatter. I had coupons and wanted to check out sales. We needed stuff for the house. Etc. and etc. It was a very full and busy day.

Decorated 12/9/2012

I needed an excuse to make these adorable melted snowmen cookies. I’m a huge fan of snowmen. Today’s challenge gave me that excuse. These cookies turned out really well. And, they were delicious; although, just on the sweet side due to all the frosting! I wasn’t a fan of the peanut butter flavor; but, Dan loved the taste.

Stripes 12/10/2012

A Trio of Stripes – Apron, Oven Mitten and Bowl! By the way, one of the colors on the apron is going to be used on the kitchen walls.

On the Shelf 12/11/2012

I collect the Hallmark ornaments trains. The problem is I do not like hanging them on the tree. We put the trains up on top of the craftsman style casing (trim) in the kitchen. This is just temporary until we get the casing/trim up in the den (living room). And yes, we are currently putting up the casing/trim on all the doors and windows throughout the house. I absolutely love the look! What we currently have is unfinished as we also need to paint them.

A bit a trivia all of you: Chessie, one of our cats, is actually named after the railroad mascot of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway.

Sweet 12/12/2012

Mini M&Ms. I only eat these when I take drugs as I cannot swallow pills. Most drugs are nasty tasting. 'Nuff said.

’Tis the Season 12/13/2012

Luke 2: He is the Reason for the Season - not Santa Claus, not presents, not the tree or lights and not even mass. It's all about Jesus. Why did He come to earth as a baby?

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Week in Pictures (#11)

Christmas Lights (outdoors) 11/30/2012

We put up Christmas lights for the first time in years. It is not much; but, it is a start. Next year will be more as I hope to buy some outdoor lights on sale after Christmas.

From here on, I am doing the

i heart faces: {1 Photo – 32 Days} December Photo Challenge.

I am not actively participating in the challenge itself by posting to other forums such as instagram, twitter (with hashtag, #iHeartFaces), flicker, blogs and more. I am just taking a picture of the day and sharing them via post(s) on my blog.

Me (Introduce Yourself) 12/1/2012

{To see a larger image, go here}

I am a wannabe DIYer; but, in reality, Dan does most of the hard work while I just have the vision. I am actually scared of power tools; so, I will only use them when he is around. On this day, Dan was working on putting up the new casings around the doors. He needed three hands; so, he asked me to help. He gave me the nail gun and showed me where to shoot it on the casing. The first time I hit the trigger, the air coming off of it blew in my face and I let out a tiny scream. It scared me to death. Well, not really seeing that I am still alive. Ha! I kept on using that sucker until all side casings were up. I actually had fun in spite of being terrified!

Dan knew I needed to come up with a new picture of me and he suggested the idea of me using the nail gun. I loved the idea and set the camera and tripod up. I had Dan push the trigger (on the camera) since he was readily available. In the end (the last shot and above picture), we went for the real thing because all the other pictures looked fake. I told Dan I would fire on three. He pressed the shutter on three and this is the result. I was actually trying to smile and keep my eyes open; but, holy crap. That gun scares the bejabbers out of me. The picture of me actually makes me laugh!

By the way, if you are new here, you can go to my About Me page. My life is still in chaos; but, it is happy chaos at the moment. My sewing and cutting table is still at the furniture shop. So, I haven’t done any sewing lately. It is just as well considering that room is a disaster and still needs to be unpacked. I am slowly unpacking; but, it is taking time because I am determined to put the fabrics onto “bolts”. It does not help that I am “unfocused”. I’d start a task and then remember to do something else only to return to the original task two hours later. Dan can testify to this problem of mine if you ask him. Ha!

Elf 12/2/2012

This is a childhood beaded craft Christmas ornament. My mother had us kids make a lot of beaded ornaments while growing up. I do not know which one of us made this particular one – most likely all three of my older brothers each made one (there are three of these total) as sticking pins in a plastic doll is a tough thing to do. The red felt like texture on the doll has faded and discolored throughout the years. However, it is still a darling little ornament.

What You’re Reading 12/3/2012

In Every Flower by Patti Hill. Third in the Garden Gates series. Christian Fiction.

I bought the first three books of this series on an extreme clearance. All three are okay reads. I just recently read this quote from this particular book and it made me chuckle.

She spoke over her shoulder. “I have a new theory about global warming, and I’m dead serious about this, so don’t you go pooh-pooh-ing it. You know, don’t you, that there are 40 million baby boomer women in America, all being taken off their estrogen at the same time? Every room I walk into shoots up thirty degrees. Now think of 40 million women hot flashin’. I know I’m right. Get yourself somethin’ to drink, sugar, while I cool down a bit.”

Shadow Play 12/4/2012

This idea is not unique in itself. This is one shot, one picture, taken on a timer. I had to wait until after 3:30 p.m. because it was raining and cloudy most of the day. The sun finally came out and I was glad because I did not know what else I would have done. I do not think I will ever do this again with cats as they are very uncooperative subjects. I also do not think I will ever do something like this again which requires some heavy editing of the photo itself. However, I am very pleased with the result. It is not perfect; but, I am satisfied. It will do.

Someone I Love 12/5/2012

This is my Grandmother, Viola Mae. I love her very much.

I had a really hard time with this category. I love my Dan; but, he is away at work during the day and he is not a very cooperative subject (I think he does not like getting his picture taken). I love all my brothers. I love my nieces and nephews and all their children. I adore many of my cousins and enjoy seeing their children grow up virtually. However, these people are not readily available for me to take pictures. Plus, I am not comfortable posting pictures of people (besides Dan and me) on this blog.

I love my mother and my dad. I wanted to take a picture of a favorite picture of them together; but, I do not have one printed yet. I am planning to get one printed and hang it out up the wall in the hallway along with my Gram.

The above picture will have to do.

Burst of Red: Wide Angle lens 12/6/2012

{To see a larger image, go here}

This was my toughest challenge yet. By the way, red doesn’t translate well into the pictures – especially lights!

I had a tough time choosing a favorite among the few that turned out well. They are all very different. The above picture was taken with my wide angle lens. You can get that starred effect with any lens if you understand lighting, aperture and all that crap. I am still struggling with the concepts; but, I understand so much more these days because I am forcing myself to practice and not only practice, but think about those things.

Bonus Image I:

Burst of Red: Macro 12/6/2012

I wanted to show you what happens with a macro lens if you can figure it all out (how to get stars). I thought it was cool effect because it had more star points!

Bonus Image II:

Burst of Red: Psychedelic 12/6/2012

Apparently, I was messing with the camera trying to figure out things and I did not realize that I pressed the trigger. Unlike many people, including my husband, I cannot hear the shutter opening and closing. Also, I have the preview screen turned off to save the battery. As a result, I did not realize a picture was taken. I laughed upon opening up this one to view. I feel this is a happy accident. I also think this picture is rather cool. Of course I would. I am weird like that. Ha!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I normally post DIY, Crafting, Quilting stuff on Tuesdays. But, since I have not done much in the way of these things lately, I have decided to do a few posts on a series of pictures I have taken that I feel just need to be shared.

I believe I shared a couple of pictures of caterpillars in my “Week in Pictures” posts. I just love these critters. I think it has to do with the knowledge that many of them turn into butterflies and/or moths. I just adore flying flowers.

Back to caterpillars. I found it fascinating that they come in a variety of colors and sizes. I do believe the majority with hair will turn into moths.

I am sharing some of my favorite pictures taken over a span of time. I do hope y’all enjoy viewing them.


{To see a larger image, go here.}

This is the first one I encountered (or noticed) at our new house. My goodness, I adore them through the camera. Of course, I did not know these types are ever plentiful around here when I shot this picture. I have taken many pictures of a variety of caterpillars since this one I took. It is hard to pick and choose among the favorites.


Side view of the above critter.


{To see a larger image, go here.}

I saw this critter two days later – vastly different from the first above.


Side view of the above critter which was taken before I got him onto a piece of stiff poster board. As you can see, they differ in coloring even though they are similar in size and look.

I am just going to post favorites (along with dates taken) from hereon.


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{To see a larger image, go here.}

I first posted a picture of one of these critters in A Week in Pictures (#8). I had a lot of fun shooting them. (I came across three on this particular day). While taking pictures of this critter, I discovered something fascinating about its defenses.


{To see a larger image, go here.}

I had gently poked one with a stick in hopes of getting it to move when suddenly the bright yellow horns appeared. It shocked the heck out of me because I was NOT expecting that. And yes, I screamed like a girl. But, I recovered quickly and determinedly took a couple of pictures.


{To see a larger image, go here.}

This is one of the last pictures I have taken of caterpillars. I am now keeping an eye on several Chrysalises in hopes of witnessing one of them coming out of their cocoons.