Old Maid's Puzzle block
Section 2
Note: Partial Seam will be involved between section one and 2 (far right strip)
Section 1 & 2
When I spied the title,...
However, after I started reading the first few words, phew! I am never in a park with Abby Gail. We are out in the front yard and on the driveway occasionally and neighbors/people do see us as they drive by.
We went to Lake Livingston for the Fourth of July. We stopped at various places on the way for a quick break and one of those stops was in Hunstville which happens to be one of my favorite places in Texas.
There was a store called Fabric Carousel located on the square. We went inside and I found a clearance section with fabrics marked 50% off! As you can see, I ended up purchasing a few. The green fabric with Mr. Potato Head faces was my favorite and I ended up getting a yard of that fabric. The rest are a half yard each.
Note: This post was in draft until now. Better late than never, correct? :-D
Bullet Journal (n.)A customizable and forgiving organization system.
It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary,
but, most likely, it will be all of the above.~ Ryder Caroll
I've been using the bullet journal method for several weeks now and I'm extremely happy with how it is working out for me.
I am a list maker. Instead of having multiple lists scattered about and losing one, two or three, having them all in one book works for me.
And having my daily tasks and log all in the same book is awesome! I never even thought of having everything in one journal until one of the bloggers I follow mentioned the system.