
Thursday, July 16, 2015

What I've Been Doing Lately II

It seems like not much occurred since I last blogged. I have more or less ditched facebook and I am only responding to notifications and messages through the social media. About all I do these days online is check emails and catch up on blogs I read (via feedly). I have shared giveaways notices whenever I am required to do so to get an extra entry myself. And, I still tweet giveaways when I remember to do so.

I may start popping on facebook in August to check up on family and friends statuses/pictures. But, I will not be as active on facebook like I used to be.

Abby Gail on a Bag Containing Sample Fabrics; March 25, 2015

  • I dealt with Abby Gail being sick. She continued to be sickly and it was tough watching her lose weight. She just would not eat – not even her favorite treats or wet cat food. She was extremely needy and often snoozed on me.

    I worried about her constantly as she lost a little over two pounds which is a lot for a cat. {FYI: She had a bacterial AND yeast infection in her ears.} We took her in for a scheduled checkup on the 25th of June. At that time, she was on the mend; but, she still struggled with appetite and feeling sickly. She still had a minor yeast infection in her left ear; so, we continued treatment in that ear for another two weeks.

    During the whole time she was sick, she dropped from 8.5/9 pounds to 6.2 pounds. She was so dang skinny – I could feel the rib bones whenever I petted her which bothered me to no end. Do not get me wrong, I do not like fat cats either. I just want healthy content cats.

    I was so happy and relieved one morning (around July 8th) to see her eat her entire meal. Before, she would only barely eat and leave the rest (to go to waste). Her happy go lucky attitude slowly returned. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have a holy terror around this house. It was difficult for this old lady to deal with an energetic mischievous cat once again. However, I have adjusted and am absolutely thrilled to have the old Abby Gail back.

  • Inspiration for our Entryway from This Old House Magazine (May 2015 issue).

    Shot on June 25, 2015

  • Dan started working on the "entryway" with my help in deciding on the number of "panels" (we went with five), the depth of the tiny shelf, etc., and etc. I like how this idea turns a plain wall into a usable focal point at the entrance. It also helps that it is our style (Craftsman/Mission). We do not have a hall closet or any usable space to "dump" stuff especially for guests. So, this works. It is looking rather nice at the moment!

    By the way, we will be doing something similar in our Master bathroom in the distant future.

  • Found at a Garage Sale. June 27, 2015

    {We started removing the handles when I remembered to snap a “before” picture.}

  • I have been looking for a cheap dresser to “up-cycle” and throw into our master closet for extra storage since we first moved here over two years ago. I finally found one with a mirror at a garage sale recently for thirty dollars and was absolutely thrilled. It is a nice solid piece of furniture which pleased me to no end.

    The dresser has been sanded down and is now in the process of being painted. It will be given several coats of poly and then thrown into the master closet for storage.

    As for the mirror, it will be repurposed. I plan to sand down the frame and then stain it in the near future as the wood is still in excellent condition. It will be hung over my regular dresser in our master bedroom.

  • Unusual Guests. Shot on July 4, 2015

    {Note: I shot a lot more pictures. This was the first one I opened processed for this post. I will go through the rest and may do a "Fiend Friday" post in the near future.}

  • We had some unusual guests stay in one of our Crepe Myrtle trees not too long ago. What were they? Bats! There were four of them altogether. Dan was the one who discovered them (on July 4th) while we were outside working. Both of us were extremely surprised that they chose this particular spot. We did not bother them nor they us. They left at dusk and never returned.

    I am not sure why they had to take emergency shelter; but, something caused them to do so. The only thing we could think of was the destruction of their old habitat as they looked healthy (via pictures on camera).

    Anyway, I had been thinking about buying a bat house. Due to this recent event, I decided to purchase one and we will be putting it up in the near future. At least, if any bats need a temporary resting spot, they will be safe from the wind (which was gusting the day they stayed) and be away from the path humanity (we) take.

    Bats are great for getting rid of mosquitoes and other bugs around here and it pleases me to know that bats fly around here even if they are just passing through.

  • "The Castle" designed by Teresa Wentzler; Unfinished; Almost 3/4 done

    shot on July 13, 2015

  • I am still working on the UFO (Unfinished Object) cross stitch project I mentioned the last time I blogged. {You can see a picture of the top half at the previous post.} It is slow going and extremely tedious due to the fact that there are a kijillion colors to deal with. But, I am pleased with the progress.