I have spotted the first wildflowers this season! Spring is coming! Hurray! In the meantime, here is one last picture dump of wildflowers from last year. Enjoy.
Indian Blanket; 4/24/2014
Sunflower; 4/24/2014
Wild Spiderwort; 4/24/2014
One of these days, I’m going to get the purplish color to shine through.
Unidentified.; 4/24/2014
I know what this is. For the life of me, I just cannot recall the name.
Sensitive Plant {Mimosa pudica}; 4/30/2014
Indian Blanket; 4/30/2014
Unidentified; Mexican Hat?; 5/1/2014
Unidentified; Mexican Hat? With False Dandelion; 5/1/2014
Bluebonnet gone to seed; 5/6/2014
Bluebonnet gone to seed; 5/6/2014
Most likely Coreopsis linifolia {Texas Tickseed}; 5/6/2014
Lazy Daisy; 5/6/2014
Coreopsis basalis {Golden Wave>}; 5/6/2015
I was thrilled to see this flower on our land in addition to the Texas Tickseed. I have memories of our first spring at our first house with the golden wave in our backyard. It was the first and only time we had them there. I do believe we mowed down the backyard too soon. I will need to dig up the picture of me standing among the flowers and post it soon.
{To see a larger image, go here.}
The above three pictures are all from the same plant. I have no clue to its identification. 5/6/2015
Horsemint; 5/23/2015
Horsemint; 5/23/2015
I believe this is a slight aberration in the coloring of this particular plant.
Coreopsis and Morning Glories; 8/6/2014
Rain Lilies; 9/23/2104
These only appear after a decent rain shower.
Morning Glories; 9/28/2014