
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wordy Wednesday

I worked on some old indoor light fixtures this past weekend. The original were brass and I am not a fan of brass. After I took it all apart to clean and paint, Dan started spray painting the brass parts for me. When he move a couple of parts, I exclaimed "I see eyes!" Dan laughed and added the nose and mouth.

I just had to take a picture. I will show the before and after pictures I took of the project (light fixtures) soon. It is not quite done as it still needs to be put back together again. I think it is going to be a fabulous change and perfect for what I have in mind!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Macro Monday {The Lone Survivor}

The Lone Survivor, Morning Glory

{To see a larger image, go here.}

I am doing a little better to the point where I actually felt like going out some mornings and doing a few projects besides the usual chores. The above picture was taken 9/17/2013. We pulled up some weeds including morning glories that were just in our way while painting one side of the house. This Morning Glory was left on the edge of our driveway and apparently, we did not pull all the roots because it is a straggly survivor. At the time, I thought it was so picturesque. However, I am a little out of practice with taking pictures because this did not turn out like I wanted. But still, I thought it turned out pretty.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wordy Wednesday {The Sock Thief}

While sorting laundry one day, I caught a sock thief in action. The below series of pictures is a reenactment of the actual crime. I was very surprised when I first witnessed her blatantly steal a sock right out of a laundry basket. She made me laugh so hard.

You cannot help but love this mischievous criminal in spite of her being an aficionado of socks. Yes, she adores socks of all kinds and will pick those over most toys she owns.

I slayed it for you. Slurp!

This same criminal will also steal and attack clean sorted socks. Oh for the shame!

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Moving Sale Find for [Future] Sewing Room

My facebook status on 9/15/2013:

There was a moving sale yesterday and today two houses down the street from us. We went to check it out yesterday morning and I fell in love with some weird cabinetry that I could visualize using for crafting and beading. It needed some work. They wanted too much money for it and I would not budge from my price. So, we walked away. We went back today after 2pm and they still hadn't sold the cabinetry. I had Dan handle the "haggling" this time and we got it for what I wanted yesterday. I'm totally thrilled!"

These are actually upside down. We will be hanging them directly on a wall. There is already some metal shelving racks inside the open area of the cabinet. We will be purchasing some brads and making some shelves to go into those areas (top of the items in picture).

Both pieces need some work. We will have to replace a board or two due to water damage. I plan to paint the exterior of the cabinetry a white color. I am hoping the fronts of the drawers are still in good condition to keep in its "natural" state.

When you pull out a "drawer", it comes fully out and the back of drawer can be against the front of the cabinetry. Can you not see (in your mind) pretty bottles full of beads, buttons and/or crafting supplies stored in these "drawers"?

We were told that these are old and once resided in a hospital. The labels inside of some drawers indicates this to be truth; however, I cannot confirm if this is truth and honestly, I do not care because they will serve a good purpose for me.

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Yard Work Clothes

Someone asked Dan to get a picture of me in my yard work clothes. I have three different shirts (white, off-white, and light blue) and an old pair of jeans that I use for yard work. The boots are snake-proof and water-proof. I have to tell you that I am glad I have these boots because we discovered a tiny dead rat snake one morning. It was just a baby; but, can you imagine one full grown? *shudders*. It did look like it had an encounter with a chicken, cat or dog and did not survive its injuries. I got to tell you that I am hoping these snakes hunt and feed on gophers! Ha! I know my fears may seem irrational; but, if there are rat snakes around, I am sure other varieties (including rattlesnakes) exists. Better safe than sorry, correct?

Those boots also protect me from the bane of our existence which are the sticker burrs. They are called sand burrs around here which makes sense due to the fact our ground is very sandy.

{To see a larger picture, go here.}

I also tend to put my hair into low pig tails without the braids because it seems to minimize the sweat rolling down the center of my neck. I just cannot stand that! My hat is rarely that high up on my head. It was positioned like that for this picture. You can see how it really is in the first picture above with the rim low over my eyes. Ha!

And yes, I have lost a little more weight since you have last seen me. I am still losing weight; but, not as fast as the first two weeks after I crashed in the beginning of August. I have lost almost 12 pounds. I am not even trying to lose weight -- it is just slowly but surely falling off of me. I could stand to lose maybe another 10 pounds. But, I am currently happy with where I am at the moment. It sort of scares me how it just seems to come off me no matter how I eat (and I could eat loads of calories).

All pictures taken with Dan's iPhone on September 1st.